
Low-cost, high-return tactics to focus on right now

Low-cost, high-return tactics to focus on right now

Every brand I speak to, no matter the size, is having a harder time than last year. Full stop. The question is always the same: what should we focus on right now?

Look no further: These are the EXACT things we are doing for our clients like Anna-Nina, FEST and SUITSUIT to move the needle. Copy them.

👉 Creative strategy

The only content worth investing in right now is social performance content. You probably already know this, but high-end campaign content is a no-go ️️️for socials - it simply doesn't work anymore. Do this instead.

1. Research the problem and/or language of your customers.
2. Come up with 4 concepts, 3 hooks for each.
3. Shoot quick & dirty: all you need is an iPhone and a clip-on light.
4. Quick cuts between clips, every 2-3 seconds. Use different camera angles, keep it moving.

Need some inspiration? Here are 100s of hooks with ad examples.

RESULTS: The new creative above resulted in +88% CTR. 💰

👉 Landing pages

Your ads are only as good as your landing pages. Hopefully you are not sending paid traffic to the homepage. Ads need continuity, your brand needs introducing and your products an explanation.

HOW: Landing page builders used to be a no-go because of their impact on site speed. Replo is a new-generation tool that's lightning-fast and built for Shopify - we absolutely love using it. There is a bit of a learning curve, but once you are up and running, landing pages and AB testing are a breeze.

RESULTS: The potential is huge here, up to 2-3x ROAS increase compared to a generic product page or homepage. 🤝


If you don't have a comprehensive CRO program in place, don't worry, most brands don't. There is so much to gain by applying a few best practices to the key parts of the funnel.


Home page - Mostly reserved for returning customers if you follow my point above about landing pages. What do they need? An easy way to navigate to the product they have in mind and to see what's new.

Navigation - Make it visual and intuitive. Give your team members/friends/customers a task to find something and see how they do.

Product page - All key info + add to cart button must be above the fold, then you are halfway there. What's key? Other than the obvious: reviews, delivery & return info, size guide, and low-stock alerts.

RESULTS: A 20%+ conversion rate increase is very achievable and that's being conservative. 📈

👉 Bundles for AOV

Who doesn't want a high AOV? And what customer doesn't love a deal? Bundles are a win-win without becoming a discount-driven brand.

HOW: Custom build or app, both are possible. Custom-developed bundles are a cost-efficient solution, check out what we built for LABFRESH. Alternatively, an app like Rebuy is a good option to test out the waters. It can get pricey, but if you make good use of all the features, the ROI is still worth it.

RESULTS: One-off cost of ±30 hours development time -> 31% AOV increase 🤑

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